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Fish Tank Limited

Leleupi cichlid (neolamprologus)

Leleupi cichlid (neolamprologus)

Regular price £8.95
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Rough purchase size 3-4cm.

The Orange Neolamprologus Leleupi Cichlid originates from the rocky coastal waters of Southern Lake Tanganyika, Africa. This species is one of the smaller of the cichlids, only attaining a maximum size of 4 inches. They have an elongated body shape, and are mostly orange in color. The mouth of these fish is surprisingly large for their size, and may be outlined in black or blue.The Orange Neolamprologus Leleupi Cichlid should be maintained in an aquarium of at least 30 gallons with other smaller Tanganyikan cichlids. Incorporate plenty of rocks, shells and African driftwood in order to build caves. Provide a sandy bottom of white aragonite to maintain the necessary high pH and alkalinity, and to maintain their bright coloration. Darker substrates will cause these fish to darken.

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