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Fish Tank Limited

Neon rosy barb

Neon rosy barb

Regular price £3.95
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The Rosy Barb is one of the larger Barbs that can grow up to 6 inches in the wild. The male is red and gold with black spots near the rear and at the dorsal fin. The female lacks the red color and is mostly golden.

They prefer a well-planted tank of at least 30 gallons with soft, slightly acidic water. Rocks and driftwood can be added to the aquarium, but leave plenty of space for swimming. The Rosy Barb is a schooling fish and enjoys being in numbers. If in a large enough school, they typically will not bother any other fish in the aquarium.

It is best, when trying to breed the Rosy Barb, to house two females with one male. Provide a coarse gravel in the breeding tank and after the eggs have been laid, remove the parents. The fry will hatch in approximately 3 days, at which time, they should be fed baby brine shrimp until large enough to accept crushed flake food.

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